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ASMR 击败免疫,不信你试试~Defeat immunity, if you don’t believe me, try it
2024-12-25 04:05:00 +0000 UTC
ASMR ·木·制品慢速触发,40分钟暖心陪伴哟~Woodwork slow trigger~40 minutes of heart-warming companionship~
2024-12-11 14:05:00 +0000 UTC
ASMR •金•色道具的刮擦敲~Scratch knock of golden props
2024-12-04 14:05:00 +0000 UTC
ASMR 给辛苦备考的宝宝掏耳朵放松一下~For babies who are working hard to prepare for exams, pick their ears and relax
2024-11-27 14:15:03 +0000 UTC
ASMR 哇~颅内升天的吸脑髓哦^o^Wow ~ the brain-sucking stuff that rises to the sky inside the skull ~
2024-11-21 05:44:26 +0000 UTC
ASMR 打通任督二脉的过电【纯享版】~ROUGH~
2024-11-13 06:55:05 +0000 UTC
ASMR 震颤鼓膜的穿脑呼呼,99%入睡~Breathing sound that makes the eardrum vibrate~
2024-11-06 04:00:28 +0000 UTC
ASMR 免疫必入,双子音叉,深度耳膜震动,颅内升天~Immune Must-Have: Dual Tuning Forks, Deep Eardrum Vibration!
2024-10-24 04:22:09 +0000 UTC
ASMR 從耳道直達腦門兒的刮腦殼,數羊,水聲啵啵~Ear to Brain: Scratches, Sheep, and Water Sounds~
2024-10-16 04:27:53 +0000 UTC
ASMR 免疫必听~360度无敌穿脑金手指~Must-Listen for Immunity~ 360-Degree Invincible Brain-Piercing Golden Finger
2024-10-09 03:06:23 +0000 UTC
ASMR 击败免疫的几种触发音混剪,总有适合你的~Defeating Immunity: A Trigger Sound Compilation, There's One Just for You!
2024-09-26 04:07:20 +0000 UTC
ASMR 刮刮擦擦,丝丝入耳,99.9%快速入睡~Scratching and Rustling, Whispering Into Your Ears, 99.9% Fast Sleep
2024-09-11 03:51:15 +0000 UTC
ASMR 触电般直击耳朵的金手指,刮骨~The golden finger that hits the ear like an electric shock, scraping the bone~
2024-09-04 04:00:02 +0000 UTC
ear attention
ASMR 助眠服务之花式洗头~Sleep Aid Service: Fancy Hair Washing~
2024-08-28 04:00:30 +0000 UTC
ASMR 五分钟快速闺蜜约会妆~Five minutes of quick bestie date makeup~
2024-08-22 03:50:00 +0000 UTC
ASMR 匠心之作:高压脉冲、弹跳敲击、灵魂拔罐,巨爽~Rough and Thrilling
2024-08-19 04:00:34 +0000 UTC
ASMR 免疫克星:震麻耳朵的直升机~The Immunity Buster: Ear-Numbing Helicopter Sensation
2024-08-08 04:00:25 +0000 UTC
ASMR 视觉听觉双享受的Asmr~Asmr who enjoys both sight and hearing~
2024-07-31 04:03:54 +0000 UTC
ASMR 听说治不了你的免疫,那我再快点~I heard this couldn't break through your immunity, so I'll speed it up.
2024-07-25 03:39:19 +0000 UTC
ASMR 极度放松的洗头,数羊~Wash your hair and count sheep~
2024-07-10 03:30:03 +0000 UTC
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